Photochemical etching is an economical and productive solution for the many varieties of thin gauge metal parts used for the ever-growing applications in wireless communications. From handsets and Bluetooth devices, to WiFi and Wimax, and cellular tower and satellite components, the ability of precision metal etching to create the complex metal geometries often required offers both speed and cost savings compared to alternative fabrication methods.
Copper alloys, including brass and beryllium copper, are most frequently chemically etched for current- or signal-carrying applications. A relatively few types of parts may be photoetched in carbon or galvanized steel. Many etched parts are electroplated with nickel under silver, gold or palladium.
Chemical etching can produce a limitless variety of pole, compensator, multiplexer, antenna, ground plane, element, attenuator, modulator, scintillator, wave guide slot arrays, loop, patch and wiper designs. Burr-free photo etched parts are well suited to passive RF conditioning devices.
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